SPIC Vonder
SPIC VONDER is a Vesicular Aurbuscular Mycorrhizal preparation that contains spores (a sexual resting Clamydospores), fragments of mycorrhizal fungal filaments and infected root bits. WS-VAM preparation is made on a water-soluble carrier containing endo-mycorrhizal species @ 1,00,000 spores per 100 grams of the product. This concentrated fine material is ideal for “Water in” or “Spray” applications.
Composition |
Content |
Total viable spores/ gram of Product |
Minimum 10 viable spores per gram of finished product |
pH |
5.0 – 7.0 |
Inoculum potential |
1200 IP per gram of finished product by MPN method with 10-fold dilution |
Features and Benefits
- Helps the plants to absorb water and nutrients, such as P, K, Cu, Zn, S, N2, Ca, Al, Mg, Mn & Fe etc., Instead of doing all of the work themselves, plants get mycorrhizae to do it for them
- It protects the roots against many stress conditions like drought, adverse pH, heavy metals, plant pathogens, low nutrition & adverse temperatures etc., and by making feeder roots more resistant to infection by certain soil fungi such as Phytophthora spp., Pythium spp., Fusarium spp., and nematodes
- Compatible with all Biofertilizers
- Ecofriendly and helps to balance Co2
Mode of Action:
Mycorrhizae form a mutualistic relationship with the roots of most plant species and colonize plant roots to create a symbiotic root and mycelial network. These mycelial networks extend far into the soil thereby accelerating plant strength by increasing the surface absorbing area of roots 100 to 1000 times and greatly improving the ability of the plant to access soil resources such as increasing absorption of phosphorus, water and other important macro and essential micronutrients. VONDER increases nutrient uptake not only by increasing the surface absorbing area of the roots, but also release powerful enzymes into the soil that dissolve hard-to-capture nutrients such as organic Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Iron and other tightly bound soil nutrients. Mycorrhizal fungi form an intricate web that captures and assimilates nutrients, conserving the nutrient capital in soils. WS VAM can be used for all crops except cruciferous plants.
Method of Application:
VONDER 250 g to be mixed with 25 litre of water then diluted with 200 litre of water and apply through the drip irrigation system.
Soil Application:
VONDER in required quantities (250g/ ha) has to be mixed with organic fertilizer/peat / moistened vermiculite/field or jungle soil (1000 kgs) which are rich in organic matter. This blend is applied by a process of broadcasting as soil application during the last ploughing followed by the first irrigation. WS -VAM can be mixed with Biofertilizer of different categories (N, P, K and S - fixers and solublisers).
Seed Treatment:
25-50 g of VONDER is to be mixed with optimum water to make a thick slurry. The VONDER slurry so prepared can be used for coating the seeds of a hectare. The treated seeds are shade dried and are ready for sowing.
Green house Potted Plants: Planting medium and potting medium can be mixed with VONDER at desired proportion (i.e. 3-5 gms/ l0 kgs of planting medium approximate) and used. Optimal watering is preferred to maintain the effectiveness of VONDER. Normally VONDER must be worked/ forked into the soil.
- Direct sown crops (oil seeds, cotton, melons, cucumber& tuber crops etc.,)
First application: Seed treatment:
- 25-50g of VONDER for seeds required per hectare
Second application: Fertigation, Drenching spray & Soil drenching
- Apply approximately 15 days after sowing or first application
- 250 grams per hectare
- Transplanted crops (Chilli, Capsicum, onion, tomato, eggplant, CoIe crops, and annual transplanted crops)
First application: Seedling dip
- 10 grams per litre of water
- Dip the seedling in solution for 5 minutes before transplanting
Second application: Fertigation, Drenching spray & Soil drenching
- Apply approximately 15 days after transplanting (coinciding with owering)
- 250 grams per hectare
- Horticultural crops (fruit crops, plantation crops & perennials)
First application: soil drenching or fertigation
- At the time of fertilizer application
- 250 grams per hectare: 0 to 6 years of crop
- 500 grams per hectare: > 6-year o1d crop
Second application: soil drenching or fertigation
- 40 to 45 days after the first application
- 250 grams per hectare: 0 to 6-year o1d crop
- 500 grams per hectare: > 6-year old crop