Primary Nutrients
Primary Nutrients are chemical compounds that are applied to promote plant growth. Typically, fertilizers are applied to the soil. To make plants grow faster, the soil needs to be supplemented with nutrients in readily available forms. Most fertilizers supply just Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium because other chemicals are needed in much lower quantities and are generally available in most soils. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium availability is the big limit to growth and these are called as Macro nutrients, which are more important to crops. They are classified as straight fertilizers, complex fertilizers and physical mixtures or granulated mixtures.
Bharat Urea (SPIC Neem Coated Urea) (Indigenous)
Bharat DAP (SPIC DAP) (Indigenous)
Bharat APS (SPIC 20:20:0:13)
SPIC 20 20 0 0 (Imported)
SPIC NPK 10 26 26 (Imported)
SPIC Ammonia (Agricultural Grade)
SPIC Super
SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [17 17 17]
SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [12 12 12]
SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [16:12:16]
SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [14:06:21]
SPIC Rock Phosphate (Imported)
SPIC Potasse
SPIC Triumph (NPK 12 11 18)

Bharat Urea (SPIC Neem Coated Urea) (Indigenous)
Bharat Urea (SPIC NC UREA) is a Synthetic organic compound containing 46 % Nitrogen in Amide form, which has to be converted into Nitrate form for easy absorption by plants since most of the field crops utilise Nitrogen only in Nitrate form. It has low biuret content of 0.3% as against the statutory maximum allowable level of 1.5% prescribed in FCO.
S. No. | Composition | Content (%) | |
1. | Moisture percent by weight | maximum | 1.0 |
2. | Total nitrogen percent by weight (on dry basis) | minimum | 46.0 |
3. | Biuret per cent by weight | maximum | 1.5 |
4. | *Neem Oil Content Soluble in binary mixture of n-hexane-acetone (4:1), percent by weight | minimum | 0.035 |
5. | *The total meliacin content in the oily residue, percent by weight | minimum | 1.0 |
Particle size - Minimum 80 per cent of the material shall be retained between 1 mm and 2.8 mm IS sieve | |||
* Foot Note: The term Neem Oil means the oil conforming to BIS standards (IS 4765-1975-Rev.1) * Explanation: The total meliacin content consists of at least three of the major meliacin namely, Azadirachtin 'A' and 'B', nimbin, slanin, 6-desacetyl nimbin and 3-desacetyl salanin. |
Features and Benefits
- NC UREA provides a rich source of nitrogen responsible for the green lush.
- A white solid uniform & high crushing strength prills with free-flowing for easy application.
- Can be applied to the soil. Also suitable in solution form for spray.
- Application is recommended in split doses for better use efficiency.
- Being Hygroscopic, it is packed in moisture proof High-Density Poly Ethylene bags.
- Suitable for all crops and all the stages based on the recommended dose of fertilizers
- Paddy, Maize & Wheat: 80 - 120 kg/acre
- Sugarcane, Cotton, Tobacco & Chillies: 120 – 150 kg/acre

Bharat DAP (SPIC DAP) (Indigenous)
Di-ammonium Phosphate popularly known as DAP is a preferred and most economical complex fertilizer in India because it is a highly concentrated fertilizer containing 64 percent nutrient (18% N, 46% P2O5).
S. No. | Composition | Content (%) | |
1. | Moisture percent by weight | Maximum | 2.5 |
2. | Total Nitrogen (Ammoniacal and Urea) percent by weight | Minimum | 18.0 |
3. | Ammoniacal Nitrogen percent by weight | Minimum | 15.5 |
4. | Available Phosphorus (as P205) percent by weight | Minimum | 46.0 |
5. | Water Soluble Phosphorus (as P205) percent by weight | Minimum | 39.5 |
Particle size - Minimum 90 percent of the material shall be retained between 1mm and 4mm IS sieve |
Features and Benefits
- The Nitrogen present in DAP is in Ammoniacal form and is not lost in leaching. As the Phosphate is present in water-soluble form, it is immediately available to the crop.
- It helps in the early establishment of the plant root system, promotes vigorous crop growth, and thus ensures a higher yield
- Contains traces of micronutrients such as iron, zinc, manganese, and molybdenum, and important plant nutrients such as sulphur, calcium, magnesium, nitrogen and phosphate.
- Unique black colour and uniform granule size.
- It is an ideal basal fertilizer for all crops and suits well as a starter fertilizer with the required P and available N.
- Paddy, Maize & Wheat: 80 - 100 kg /acre.
- Sugarcane, Cotton, Tobacco & Chillies: 120 – 150 kg/acre.

Bharat APS (SPIC 20:20:0:13)
20:20:0:13 is an Ammonium Phosphate Sulphate Fertilizer. Besides two macro-nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus), it provides Sulphur - a major secondary plant nutrient.
S. No. | Composition | Content (%) | |
1. | Moisture percent by weight | Maximum | 1.0 |
2. | Total nitrogen (Ammoniacal + Urea) percent by weight | Minimum | 20.0 |
3. | Ammoniacal nitrogen percent by weight | Minimum | 18.0 |
4. | Available phosphorus (as P205) percent by weight | Minimum | 20.0 |
5. | Water soluble phosphorus (as P205) percent by weight | Minimum | 17.0 |
6. | Sulphate Sulphur (as S), percent by weight | Minimum | 13.0 |
Particle size - Minimum 90 per cent of the material shall be retained between 1mm and 4mm IS sieve |
Features and Benefits
- Used as complex fertilizer for the supply of 20% Nitrogen, 20% P2O5 and 13% Sulphur.
- Suitable for all crops, both for basal application and top dressing.
- It improves the oil content in oil seed crops.
- Granules are uniform and light grey in colour, stronger, harder and of uniform size which facilitates easy application.
- Least hygroscopic and does not readily absorb moisture from the air.
- Being non-hygroscopic, it has good storage properties and can be kept indefinitely without quality deterioration.
- Due to high water solubility, has greater mobility in the soil.
- 20:20:0:13 Complex fertilizer is highly suitable for all crops
- Paddy, Sugarcane, Onion, Chilly & Wheat: 100 - 150 kg/ acre
- Maize, Mustard and Peas: 80 - 100 kg/ acre
- Potato: 200kg/ acre

SPIC 20 20 0 0 (Imported)

- Used as a complex fertilizer for supply of ‘N’ and ‘P2O5’ nutrients.
- Suitable for all crops both for initial application and top dressing.
- Granules are stronger, harder and of uniform size which facilitates easy application.
S No. | Composition | Content (%) | |
1 | Moisture percent by weight | Maximum | 1.5 |
2 | Total Nitrogen (Ammoniacal & Urea) percent by weight | Minimum | 20.0 |
3 | Ammoniacal nitrogen percent by weight | Minimum | 6.5 |
4 | Available phosphorus (as P2O5) percent by weight | Minimum | 20.0 |
5 | Water soluble Phosphorus (as P2O5) percent by weight | Minimum | 17.0 |
Particle size - Minimum 90 percent of the material shall be retained between 1mm and 4mm IS sieve |

SPIC NPK 10 26 26 (Imported)
SPIC NPK (10:26:26) is a complex fertilizer that contains 10% of Nitrogen, 26 % of Phosphorous and 26 % Potash which are easily and quickly available to plants.
S. No. | Composition | Content (%) | |
1. | Moisture percent by weight | Maximum | 1.5 |
2. | Total nitrogen (Ammoniacal & Urea) percent by weight | Minimum | 10.0 |
3. | Ammoniacal nitrogen percent by weight | Minimum | 7.0 |
4. | Available phosphorus (as P2O5) percent by weight | Minimum | 26.0 |
5. | Water soluble phosphorus (as P2O5) percent by weight | Minimum | 22.5 |
6. | Water soluble potassium (as K2O), percent by weight | Minimum | 26.0 |
Particle size - Minimum 90 percent of the material shall be retained between 1mm and 4mm IS sieve) |
Features and Benefits
- Used as a complex fertilizer for the supply of ‘N’, ‘P2O5’ & K2O nutrients
- Contains Phosphorous and Potassium in a 1:1 ratio with Nitrogen, hence suitable for basal applications and top dressing
- Granules are stronger, harder, and of uniform size which facilitates easy application
- Least hygroscopic and does not readily absorb moisture from the air and it has good storage properties, and can be kept indefinitely without quality deterioration
- Due to high water solubility, has greater mobility in the soil
- Field crops: 100 kg – 150 kg/ acre
- Vegetables: 50 – 100 kg/ acre

SPIC Ammonia (Agricultural Grade)
Ammonium Chloride fertilizer is manufactured by M/s. Tuticorin Alkali Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd., and is marketed by Greenstar Fertilizer Ltd. Ammonium Chloride contains 25% Nitrogen. Besides nitrogen, Chlorine present in Ammonium Chloride improves root formation and ensures quality product output. The entire Nitrogen is present in Ammoniacal form.
S. No. | Composition | Content (%) | |
1. | Moisture percent by weight | Maximum | 2.0 |
2. | Ammoniacal nitrogen percent by weight, | Minimum | 25.0 |
3. | Chloride other than ammonium chloride (as NaCI) percent by weight | Maximum | 2.0 |
Features and Benefits
- Ammoniacal Nitrogen is not lost by leaching, since NH4+ is fixed by soil clay and humus complex. On application to the field, nitrogen will be released as and when the demand arises from the crop
- When ammonium Chloride is applied as basal or top dressing for cultivated crops, loss of nitrogen is very less. Consequently more N will be utilized by the crop, thereby fertilizer use efficiency is increased. Ammonium Chloride fertilizer application is recommended for saline and alkaline soils
- It is also a suitable Nitrogenous fertilizer for application in low-lying areas where paddy and other crops are cultivated by farmers. The chlorine present in Ammonium Chloride gives resistance to some pests and diseases
- Ammonium Chloride is less hygroscopic than other fertilizers which means the fertilizer has a fairly long life in storage. The chloride radical in Ammonium Chloride frees Phosphorous, Potash, Magnesium, Silica, Iron etc. from the soil
- Applying during the panicle initiation stage results in uniform maturity in paddy
- 50kg/ acre for paddy and all crops

SPIC Super
SSP is the most popular phosphatic fertilizer after DAP as it contains 3 major plant nutrients namely Phosphorus – 16 %, Sulphur and Calcium along with traces of many micro-nutrients.
S No. | Composition | Content (%) | ||
Granule | Powdered | |||
1 | Moisture percent by weight | Maximum | 5.0 | 12.0 |
2 | Available phosphorus (as P2O5) percent by weight | Minimum | 16.0 | 16.0 |
3 | Water soluble Phosphorus (as P2O5) percent by weight | Minimum | 14.5 | 14.5 |
4 | Sulphate Sulphur (as S) percent by weight | Minimum | 11.0 | 11.0 |
5 | Free phosphoric acid (as P2O5) percent by weight | Maximum | 4.0 | 4.0 |
6 | Particle size - Minimum 90 percent of the material shall be retained between 1mm and 4mm IS sieve | Minimum | 90 |
Features and Benefits
- SSP helps to treat Sulphur deficiency in soils (40% of Indian soils are Sulphur deficient). Continuous application of SSP reclaims Alkali soils
- Improves root formation and ensures absorption of nutrients thereby ensuring quality produce
- SSP contains Calcium which is essential for continuous cell division and cell wall formation and ensures a healthy crop
- SSP is the cheapest source of sulphur for the soil. Sulphur helps in chlorophyll formation which induces photosynthesis
- It is widely used in most of the crops at the time of sowing as basal application
- Sugarcane & Oilseed farmers have a special preference for SSP
- 100 kg/ acre for all crops
- 100 – 150 kg/ acre for paddy
- 200 – 250 kg/ acre for sugarcane
![SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [17 17 17]](
![SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [17 17 17]](
SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [17 17 17]
Granulated Fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that are mixed in a proportion to attain specific grades and granulated through a granulator as approved by respective State Governments termed as Standard Mixtures.
S. No. |
Product |
Nutrient |
TN |
KN |
1. |
17:17:17 |
N:17% P:17(3.4)% K:17% |
N(T):17% P(T): 17% P(CS):17% P(WS):14.5 K:17% |
2. |
12:12:12 |
N:12% P:12% K:12% |
- |
3. |
16:12:16 |
- |
N(T):16% P(T):12% K:16% |
4. |
14:06:21 |
- |
N(T):14% P(T):6% K:21% |
Features and Benefits
- These fertilizers are used as an alternative to straight and complex fertilizers to minimize the cost of application
- Granulated fertilizers contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash in a balanced proportion
- Granulated fertilizers can be used by the farmers very easily
- They are suitable for all crops, both for basal application and top dressing
- Cotton, Groundnut, Maize, Bajra & Ragi: 50 – 100 kg/ acre
- Paddy & sugarcane: 150 – 200 kg/ acre
- Short duration crops: 100 kg/ acre
- Long duration crops: 150 – 200 kg/ acre
![SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [12 12 12]](
![SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [12 12 12]](
SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [12 12 12]
Granulated Fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that are mixed in a proportion to attain specific grades and granulated through a granulator as approved by respective State Governments termed as Standard Mixtures.
S. No. |
Product |
Nutrient |
TN |
KN |
1. |
17:17:17 |
N:17% P:17(3.4)% K:17% |
N(T):17% P(T): 17% P(CS):17% P(WS):14.5 K:17% |
2. |
12:12:12 |
N:12% P:12% K:12% |
- |
3. |
16:12:16 |
- |
N(T):16% P(T):12% K:16% |
4. |
14:06:21 |
- |
N(T):14% P(T):6% K:21% |
Features and Benefits
- These fertilizers are used as an alternative to straight and complex fertilizers to minimize the cost of application
- Granulated fertilizers contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash in a balanced proportion
- Granulated fertilizers can be used by the farmers very easily
- They are suitable for all crops, both for basal application and top dressing
- Cotton, Groundnut, Maize, Bajra & Ragi: 50 – 100 kg/ acre
- Paddy & sugarcane: 150 – 200 kg/ acre
- Short duration crops: 100 kg/ acre
- Long duration crops: 150 – 200 kg/ acre
![SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [16:12:16]](
![SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [16:12:16]](
SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [16:12:16]
Granulated Fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that are mixed in a proportion to attain specific grades and granulated through a granulator as approved by respective State Governments termed as Standard Mixtures.
S. No. |
Product |
Nutrient |
TN |
KN |
1. |
17:17:17 |
N:17% P:17(3.4)% K:17% |
N(T):17% P(T): 17% P(CS):17% P(WS):14.5 K:17% |
2. |
12:12:12 |
N:12% P:12% K:12% |
- |
3. |
16:12:16 |
- |
N(T):16% P(T):12% K:16% |
4. |
14:06:21 |
- |
N(T):14% P(T):6% K:21% |
Features and Benefits
- These fertilizers are used as an alternative to straight and complex fertilizers to minimize the cost of application
- Granulated fertilizers contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash in a balanced proportion
- Granulated fertilizers can be used by the farmers very easily
- They are suitable for all crops, both for basal application and top dressing.
- Cotton, Groundnut, Maize, Bajra & Ragi: 50 – 100 kg/ acre
- Paddy & sugarcane: 150 – 200 kg/ acre
- Short duration crops: 100 kg/ acre
- Long duration crops: 150 – 200 kg/ acre
![SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [14:06:21]](
![SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [14:06:21]](
SPIC NPK Granulated Fertilizers [14:06:21]
Granulated Fertilizers are chemical fertilizers that are mixed in a proportion to attain specific grades and granulated through a granulator as approved by respective State Governments termed as Standard Mixtures.
S. No. |
Product |
Nutrient |
TN |
KN |
1. |
17:17:17 |
N:17% P:17(3.4)% K:17% |
N(T):17% P(T): 17% P(CS):17% P(WS):14.5 K:17% |
2. |
12:12:12 |
N:12% P:12% K:12% |
- |
3. |
16:12:16 |
- |
N(T):16% P(T):12% K:16% |
4. |
14:06:21 |
- |
N(T):14% P(T):6% K:21% |
Features and Benefits
- These fertilizers are used as an alternative to straight and complex fertilizers to minimize the cost of application
- Granulated fertilizers contain Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potash in a balanced proportion
- Granulated fertilizers can be used by the farmers very easily
- They are suitable for all crops, both for basal application and top dressing.
- Cotton, Groundnut, Maize, Bajra & Ragi: 50 – 100 kg/ acre
- Paddy & sugarcane: 150 – 200 kg/ acre
- Short duration crops: 100 kg/ acre
- Long duration crops: 150 – 200 kg/ acre

SPIC Rock Phosphate (Imported)
SPIC ROCK PHOSPHATE is an organic source of Phosphorus. It is a sedimentary rock that contains 18% of phosphorus.
Composition |
Content (%) |
Total Phosphorus (as P2O5) percent by weight |
Minimum |
Particle size - A minimum of 90 percent of the material shall pass through a 0.15 mm IS sieve and the balance 10 percent of material shall pass through a 0.25 mm IS sieve |
Features and Benefits
- Highly recommended for the hilly regions (Acid soils) and high rainfall zone crops as a ‘Phosphorus’ source
- It is environmental friendly
- In addition to increasing soil phosphorus, it adds other nutrients to the soil like exchangeable calcium and magnesium cations & it also increases carbon accumulation which in turn improves soil quality
- Improves root growth and yield
- Prolonged availability of Phosphorus to the plants
- Tree crops: 1 kg/ Tree
- Plantation crops: 150 kg/ acre

It is a unique source of plant nutrition containing three essential nutrients that are naturally combined into one mineral. It provides readily available forms of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulphur to growing plants in an ideal ratio.
S. No. | Composition | Content (%) | |
1. | Moisture percent by weight | Maximum | 1.5 |
2. | Water soluble potassium (as K2O) percent by weight | Minimum | 23 |
3. | Magnesium (as MgO) percent by weight | Maximum | 11 |
4. | Sodium (as Nacl) percent by weight | Maximum | 1.5 |
Features and Benefits
- Promotes a healthy root system and gives resistance to pests and Diseases
- SPIC POSH is suitable for all soil types as it is alkaline - acid neutral (pH)
- It is suitable for all types of crops as it does not contain chlorine salt. Suitable for chlorine-susceptible crops such as banana, coconut, grapes, potatoes, sunflower, sugarcane, tobacco, woody crops and all Solanaceae family crops
- Foliar spray: 5 gm/ lit at 15 days interval during flowering and fruiting stage
- Soil application: 50 kg/ acre for all crops

SPIC Potasse
SPIC POTASSE is a K - rich organic manure derived from molasses, best known for its multiple eco-friendly benefits. It is also a very efficient Potassium source as the Potash in it lasts longer.
S. No. | Composition | Content (%) | |
1. | Moisture percent by weight | Maximum | 5.0 |
2. | Water soluble Potash (as K2O) percent by weight | Minimum | 14.5 |
Features and Benefits
- SPIC POTASSE is a bi-product derived from Molasses and contains 14.5% K2O
- Suitable for all types of crops
- Acts as an excellent soil conditioner and improves the physical structure of the soil
- It improves soil aeration, water retention capacity and prevents leaching losses
- Significantly increases yield, growth parameters and market quality of the produce
- Enriches soil tilth with Potash and induces disease resistance
- Ensures supply of available Potash for a long time in the soil.
- 100 – 200 kg/ acre for all crops
- Tree crops: 5 – 10kg/ tree

SPIC SOP SG (Sulphate of Potash – Soil grade) is available both in powder and granular grades that help growers to produce high-quality crops. It contains 50% of Potassium and 17.5% of Sulphur.
S. No. |
Composition |
Content (%) |
1 |
Moisture percent by weight |
Maximum |
1.5 |
2 |
Water soluble potassium (as K2O) percent by weight |
Minimum |
50.0 |
3 |
Sulphate Sulphur (as S) percent by weight |
Minimum |
17.5 |
4 |
Sodium as NaCl percent by weight |
Maximum |
2.0 |
5 |
Total Chlorides (as Cl) percent by weight |
Maximum |
2.5 |
Features and Benefits
- SPIC SOP SG improves the yield and quality of fruit and vegetables
- Enhances the nutritional value of the produce
- Improves plant resistance to pests, diseases and environmental stress
- Excellent yield booster
- Sulphur plays a major role in the synthesis of proteins and enzymes
- Acts as a catalyst for various physiological activities of plants.
- 50 kg / acre for all horticulture crops at the time of fruit/sugar formation.
- 25 kg /acre for vegetables.

SPIC Triumph (NPK 12 11 18)
SPIC TRIUMPH NPK 12: 11: 18 is a premium go-to choice complex fertilizer specifically formulated with a blend of Nitrogen 12%, Phosphorus 11% and Potassium 18% enriched with Magnesium and Sulphur to maximize crop yield and quality. It contains an excellent combination of immediately available nitrate nitrogen and slower-releasing ammoniacal nitrogen. Magnesium helps the plants to maintain green lush for a longer period. Sulphur improves the overall plant growth and oil production in oil seed crops.
Moisture percent by weight |
maximum |
1.5 |
Total Nitrogen (ammoniacal and nitrate) percent by weight |
minimum |
12.0 |
Ammoniacal nitrogen percent by weight |
minimum |
7.0 |
Available phosphorous (as P2O5) per cent by weight |
minimum |
11.0 |
Water soluble phosphorous (as P2O5) per cent by weight |
minimum |
8.0 |
Water soluble potassium (as K2O) per cent by weight |
minimum |
18.0 |
Magnesium (as Mg) percent by weight |
minimum |
1.0 |
Sulphate sulphur (as S) percent by weight |
minimum |
7.5 |
Total Chlorides (as Cl) per cent by weight |
maximum |
1.0 |
Particle size- Minimum 90 percent of the material shall be between 1mm and 4 mm IS sieve |
Features and Benefits
- SPIC TRIUMPH NPK 12 : 11 : 18 provides nutrient supplements essential for all the critical stages of crop growth
- Enriched with Magnesium and Sulphur. Magnesium (Mg) is an essential nutrient for a wide range of physiological and biochemical processes that involves chlorophyll synthesis, enzyme activation and protein synthesis. Sulphur is an essential structural component of protein disulfide bonds, amino acids, vitamins, cofactors and is required for the nitrate metabolism. It is an essential nutrient for oil production
- Promotes root and shoot development
- Improves the uptake of other plant nutrients
- Optimizes flower and fruit setting
- Tremendously increases the yield and marketable quality of the produce
25 Kg/ acre